We need you at our international peace camp from 13 to 25th July 2024.
Good news! The Lakenheath Alliance for Peace was successfully launched on Tuesday 26th March 2024
update 02. June 2024
The movie Oppenheimer about J. Robert Oppenheimer — the “father of the atomic bomb” — focuses on Oppenheimer’s conflicted feelings about the weapons of mass destruction he helped unleash on the world, and how officials ignored those concerns after World War II as the Cold War started an arms race. Continue reading →
by Marcy Winograd
Coordinator, CODEPINK Congress (codepink.org/codepinkcongress)
Co-Chair, Peace in Ukraine Coalition (peaceinUkrainecoalition.org)
@MarcyWinograd on twitter
Unless this Hollywood film sparks a second nuclear-freeze movement, Congress and the White House will raid the treasury to expand our nuclear arsenal.
US Installs New Nukes in Europe: As Destructive as 83 Hiroshima Bombs
Visit this story at http://ipsnews.net/2023/01/us-installs-new-nukes-europe-destructive-83-hiroshima-bombs
El mundo en peligro de una guerra nuclear
Por Pablo Ruiz*
El mundo, en este año 2022, ha estado más cerca que nunca de que se produzca una guerra nuclear en el contexto de los enfrentamientos en Ucrania pero también de otros conflictos. Continue reading →
CND has condemned NATO’s ongoing round of nuclear weapons exercises, warning they will further escalate tension and military conflict in Ukraine. The nuclear drills – titled Steadfast Noon – commenced on Monday and will run for two weeks. They are training air crews to use US tactical nuclear bombs in the event of a nuclear war. At a time when there is regular reference to the use of tactical nukes in the context of the Ukraine war, this is indeed … Continue reading →
Download leaflet: Invitation to webinarpeace.pdf
Commemorate end of WWII! To commemorate the end of World War II in Europe we invite to the webinar on the 8th of May 2021 at 10:00 am CEST with the title: Never again! We need a new detente! We all know that World War II brought about one of the biggest disasters of human mankind to the world. The present escalation of military activities around Russia and the information war between West and East reminds us of the … Continue reading →
For your information: Despite the pandemic, France continues to test its nuclear weapons. Alain ROUY, Le Mouvement de la Paix A missile fired this Wednesday morning from Biscarrosse ( Source : Local Newspaper 28/04/2021 SUDOUEST.FR) A missile was fired from the Landes missile test centre at 10am this Wednesday morning. A big bang was heard this Wednesday morning at 10 am in the region of Biscarrosse and Mimizan. The origin of this detonation comes from a firing of M51 missile organized … Continue reading →
Continue reading →Nuclear Weapons: Challenging This External Threat Together
January 24th, 2021, at 19:00 – 21:00 CET (UTC+1)
Organized by Organised by International Peace Bureau (IPB)
Join: https://zoom.us/j/97474310623?pwd=MTdPcHFQcDNYK1dVV1hqVW1xaTAwQT09
The No to War – No to NATO Network denounces the North Atlantic Treaty Association’s (NATO) continuing efforts to obstruct the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that comes into force on January 22, 2021.
On December 15, NATO issued a statement that once again voiced its groundless opposition to the TPNW. NATO reiterated its commitment to remain a nuclear alliance “as long as nuclear weapons exist”. Continue reading →
UN Nuclear Treaty achieves 50th ratification for Entry into Force on 75th anniversary of UN’s founding London, 24 October 2020: The United Nations has confirmed that the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has been ratified by its 50th state party, Honduras, and will therefore enter into international legal force 90 days later, on 22 January. “This Treaty bans nuclear weapons production, testing, possession and use, along with other activities that could enable and assist anyone … Continue reading →
ICAN veröffentlicht am 25. Oktober 2020 Atomwaffen international geächtet Heute Nacht, am 24. Oktober New Yorker Zeit, hat Honduras als 50. Staat den UN-Vertrag zum Verbot von Atomwaffen ratifiziert. Kurz zuvor sind Jamaica und die Republik Nauru beigetreten. Damit wird das Inkrafttreten des UN-Atomwaffenverbots binnen 90 Tagen augelöst. Für die Mitwirkung an dem Vertrag wurde ICAN 2017 mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet. “Ab dem 21. Januar 2021 sind Atomwaffen völkerrechtlich geächtet. Ein historischer Moment für einen Jahrzehnte alten Kampf. Während … Continue reading →
France launched a cruise missile from a submarine, the French Armed Forces Department announced on Tuesday, October 20. The Suffren, a new generation of nuclear attack submarines, has “successfully carried out” this Naval Cruise Missile test fire off Biscarrosse (Landes), he said in a statement. “This success gives a new strategic capability to our Navy, it is among the best in the world”, welcomed the Minister of Armies, Florence Parly. “Until now, French submarine forces could hit submarines and surface … Continue reading →
by Manlio Dinucci While the “Coronavirus crisis” continues to cause devastating socio-economic consequences also in Italy, a large part of the “Recovery Fund” is destined not to the most affected economic and social sectors, but to the most advanced sectors of the war industry. According to the EU Recovery Fund, Italy should receive € 209 billion over the next six years, of which about 81 is for grants and 128 for loans to be repaid with interest. In the meantime, … Continue reading →
Unter dem Titel: “Erklärung zur nuklearen Teilhabe und zur geplanten Anschaffung neuer Trägerflugzeuge für den Atomwaffeneinsatz” brachte sich IALANA in die aktuelle Debatte um die nukleare Teilhabe mit einer ausführlichen rechtlichen Analyse ein.
Dear all
please find a piece of Bernd Hahnfeld on legality of nuclear sharing in Germany.
The text was written in German and we translated it into English:
Inextricably linked existential threats to humanity. by Pat Elder In Greek mythology, the tale of Daedalus and his son, Icarus provides a lesson that humanity has never learned. Daedalus created wings from feathers and wax. He warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun for fear that the wax would melt. Icarus took off, exhilarated with the invention, and soared exuberantly toward the sun. His wings fell apart, and Icarus fell to his death. Remarkable technologies may escape … Continue reading →
by Rae Street August 2020 NATO was once described as the ‘military arm of the US empire’. And one might add ‘nuclear empire’. As we remember Hiroshima on 6th August 1945, the horrendous suffering which was brought about on that day to the people of Japan and, later, on the 9th August, Nagasaki day, it is worth thinking about NATO’s policies and, in particular. Its nuclear policies. Since the end of totalitarian communism, unlike the Warsaw Pact which was disbanded, … Continue reading →
On the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a new campaign is being launched to make Europe a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. The campaign is being initiated by 8 campaigning organisations: the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation; Church and Peace; the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES); the International Peace Bureau (IPB); the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC); the European section of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW); Pax … Continue reading →
Die deutsche Bevölkerung ist für den Abzug aller Atomwaffen aus Deutschland. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Kantar im Auftrag von Greenpeace.
by Alicia Sanders-Zakre Hope you are hanging in there. I wanted to send an update about some recent nuclear policy news that provide opportunities for campaigners to be speaking up and taking action on eliminating nukes. Here you will find the Media Backgrounder_ 22 June 2020 U.S.-Russia arms control meeting in Vienna.pdf NATO Nuclear Planning Group First, as you may have already seen, NATO held a nuclear planning group meeting this Wednesday. You can read more about it in … Continue reading →
According to the regional newspaper Ouest-France, the French army has planned missile testing between 9 and 11 June off the coast of Penmarc’h (Finistère/Brittany), like in 2016 or 2018. In spite of the global pandemic, France continues imperturbably to test weapons and swallow huge sums of money that will fail to meet the necessary budgets for health, education and the satisfaction of social needs. 1 missile “M 51” = 120 million euros, the gross salary of 7500 nurses. A French … Continue reading →
by Kate Hudson, March 27th, 2020 Last week the Pentagon pretty much called off the Defender-Europe 20 war games which involved 30,000 US troops landing in continental Europe – exercises which I described recently as the US practising an invasion of Europe. Covid-19 has forced the Pentagon to cut the exercises right back. As of March 13, they announced, all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has ceased, in the interests of the health and … Continue reading →
Defender 2020 war rehearsal has not been reduced, but with nuclear U.S. Air Force B-2A bombers implemented. General Tod D. Wolters, Head of the United States European Command confirmed that Defender 2020 is not an exercise of conventional Forces, but of Nuclear Forces. Read the following article by Manlio Dinucci published in Il Manifesto today March 24. Jeannie, CNGNN Italy The art of War Doctor Strangelove takes care of our health Manlio Dinucci (il manifesto, March 24, 2020) Faced with … Continue reading →
Die USA wollen ihr Atomwaffen-Arsenal in Europa modernisieren. Derzeit befinden sich dort etwa 150 US-Atomwaffen. Die Orte der Lagerstätten hatte im vergangenen Jahr eine belgische Zeitung enthüllt.
message from December 12, 2019 – link to an article in Dutch, maybe it has a connection with Defender Europe 2020 (kk) In the past week there have been some important developments around the Dutch nuclear base near Volkel. The local newspaper Brabants Nieuwsblad reported last Monday that two times in the week before a big military transport plane C-17 Globemaster III has landed there. Yesterday a C-17A belonging to US Air Mobility Command came directly from the US without … Continue reading →
Here is an article with the text in the STOCKHOLMSAPPELLEN 65 years ago!
Because of “Corona” our actions are currently very limited!
Twenty weeks for twenty bombs – starting again on March 26*, 2020 until August 9th. https://buechel-atombombenfrei.jimdo.com/international/
Wegen “Corona” sind unsere Aktionen momentan stark eingeschränkt!
(verschoben) Menschen-Kettenreaktion: Atombomben weg – Verbotsvertrag her!
Wir planen [für 26. April 2020] eine kleinere Kundgebung, sowie Videoübertragung voraussichtlich in Büchel und Aachen und hoffen auf eure weitere Beteiligung. Wir werden Euch über unsere weiteren Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden halten. Continue reading →
Used in the article: Donald Trump Says ‘We All Have to Get Rid of’ Nuclear Weapons; Russia Responds: Let’s Make A Plan | By Tom O’Connor On 4/26/19 at 12:04 PM EDT
Our campaign: “Büchel is everywhere – nuclear-free now!” Worldwide Solidarity.
Twenty weeks for twenty bombs – starting again on March 26*, 201 until August 9th, groups and individuals will hold vigils and other kinds of nonviolent direct action (blockades, trespassing, etc.) at the Büchel base to pressure the government, sending back the nucleat bombs. In July and August a peace camp take place.
Read the leaflet for 2019 (only in German language): 201811_buechel_flyer.pdf