Watch back our recent fascinating and popular webinar, featuring great analysis and action planning, with the following contributions: Continue reading →
Category Archives: English
The True Face of NATO: international webinar
Thursday 21st November at 6pm (CET) REGISTER HERE NATO claims that its existence is based on its member countries’ common values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
Continue reading → 2024/07/0/ NYC, USA
Action for Peace and Climate Justice
Disarmament, Welfare and Climate – Cooperation West, East and South

– Oleg Bodrov, Ryssland, Soumya Dutta Indien, Marianne Laxén, Finland
2024/07/15 webinar
Join Medea Benjamin, Oleg V. Bodrov, Shirine Jurdi, Jeffrey Sachs, Yurii Sheliazhenko, and Tamara Lorincz on Saturday, tomorrow, June 15th.
Massive escalation by NATO
With a deadly poisonous cocktail of self-righteous arrogance, radical ignorance, complete denial of reality and gigantic megalomania, NATO is war-drunk, openly and intentionally heading into a direct confrontation with Russia in full view of everyone. Not only does it want to continue the war on its behalf, it wants to directly confront its own soldiers in Ukraine vis-à-vis Russian soldiers and attack Russia with its own nuclear-capable weapons.
If NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization then why are official members, their allies and their devastating military invasions and occupations all over the globe?
A webinar of the Resist NATO Coalition
🗓️ Sunday June 9th
⏱️ 9am Pacific Time / 11am Central Time / 12pm Eastern Time
🤔 If NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization then why are official members, their allies and their devastating military invasions and occupations all over the globe? Continue reading →
USA: Between war and the courage to negotiate
by Pablo Ruiz Espinoza, USA: Between war and the courage to negotiate USA: Between war and the courage to negotiate President Joe Biden’s recent decision to approve a $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan is very bad for the world because it assures us that conflicts and military escalation will continue, with undoubted consequences for everyone. Before this presidential approval, DW News reported that the US House of Representatives had approved the military aid package, showing … Continue reading →
2024/06/16 webinar 6pm CEST
military tensions, resources, environment, climate, equity, cooperation, peace keeping
Supporters: IPB, GWUAN, space4peace, WBW, No-to-NATO, WILPF-Canada, VOW, Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland – Russia, Women for Peace – Finland Continue reading →
2024/04/25 youtube livestream video is online
Meeting: NATO in the Malvinas Islands Copy
For this video auto translation to English is possible via cc / subtitles activation and setting (auto generated English),
Third Annual 24-Hour PEACE WAVE 13h UTC – 13h UTC
This Peace Wave will happen during the RIMPAC war rehearsals in the Pacific and just prior to protests of NATO’s meeting in Washington in July.
2024/07/06+07 Washington DC, USA
Actions against NATO’s 75th birthday party in Washington
The international No to war – no to NATO network organize together with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CODEPINK, DSA International Committee, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Global Women for Peace United Against NATO, International Peace Bureau, NC Peace Action, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation,, United National Antiwar Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Vrede, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US, World BEYOND War a protest weekend (5-7 July) against the NATO war summit which take place in Washington DC July 9 till 11. All information are available on the new website
2024/04/27 Registration open!
webinar: Women united against NATO speak out from Latin America
Saturday, April 27, 11a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EDT (East Cost USA)
Women united against NATO speak out from Latin America
with speakers from Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela.
Register in advance – Zoom-Link is here.
English <-> Spanish simultaneous interpretation available.
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2024/05/07 webinar update
Stopping the Israeli war machine: Solidarity with the people of Gaza!
Register in advance
2024/08/03-09 Nagasaki + Hiroshima, Japan
World Conference against A and H Bombs
The Organizing Committee of the 2024 World Conference against A & H Bombs announced that the World Conference will take place on August 3-9 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki under the theme: “Together with the Hibakusha,
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2024/07/13 – 25 Norwich, USAF Lakenheath, UK
March, Bicycle Ride and Peace camp at Lakenheath and direct action
NATO’s Growing Military Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean
even if it is older, you should read it. Venezuela & ALBA News 4.21.2023: NATO’s Growing Military Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean
Continue reading → 2024/04/04-07 Bogota, Colombia + Livestream
Register here for the event!
Read/Download English Flyer.pdf | Folleto español.pdf
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2024/04/04-07 Bogota, Colombia
Register here for the event!
Read/Download English Flyer.pdf | Folleto español.pdf
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Stop the declarations of war! It is time for diplomacy!
Statement of the network
Stop the declarations of war! It is time for diplomacy!
At a European summit in Paris last month, French President Macron declared that ground troops from NATO states could be deployed in Ukraine. His statement is symptomatic of the dangerous logic of war into which we have fallen. He is contributing to the self-fulfilling prophecy of militarism that threatens security and stability across the European continent. While no serious support for this irresponsible statement has been forthcoming, such proposals risk fuelling the escalation of violence. It has rightly been observed that sending NATO troops to Ukraine would be a fast track to world war three – likely a nuclear war. Continue reading →
US nuclear weapons are returning to Britain
RAF Lakenheath: US nuclear weapons are returning to Britain
CND opposes any return of United States nuclear weapons to RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. 110 nuclear bombs were stored at the airbase until they were removed in 2008 following persistent popular protest, and they must not be allowed back.
Lakenheath.pdf and the campaign: