6.00pm London; 8.00pm Gaza; 1.00pm EST; 7.00pm Central European Time
Since the end of the last century with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of the Soviet Union, NATO is on the move. Its “out of area” military operation in Afghanistan in 2011, lasted for 20 years. Since 1994 the African counties Algeria, Egypt, Mauretania, Morocco and Tunisia are together with Israel and Jordan in the NATO partnership program Mediterranean Dialog (MD) NATO. Thus began a “Global NATO,” project to use the NATO military alliance beyond its own charter obligations from the South China Sea to the Caribbean Sea and on to Australia. The Middle East above all is suffering from a deathly mix of colonialism and racism. It hovers on the brink of regional war. The situation in Gaza is currently one of desperation as the population are starved whilst bombs drop and snipers shoot at food convoys. The zionist entity of Israel is breaking countless UN resolutions and is being prosecuted in the ICJ for genocide. War crimes are committed daily. This webinar aims to unpick the horrific legacy of colonialism and expose western NATO hypocrisy.
Marie Nassif (Lebanon) has a doctorate in French Language and Literature with a masters degree in Modern and Contemporary History. She is professor Emeritus at the faculty of Pedagogy of the Lebanese University and the “Egalité-Wardah Boutros pour l’action feminine” association for women’s rights within the International Democratic Women’s Federation. She is also a Member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Lebanon and author of several books on the situation of women in Lebanon and the Arab world. Marie Nassif was former general coordinator of the Arab Left Forum and activist against imperialism and its military bases in the Mediterranean.
Marwa Osman (Beirut since last days, before that Gaza ) is a mother of three with a PhD. She is Lecturer at the Faculty of Media and Communication at Maaref University and Lecturer at the School of Arts and Sciences at the Lebanese International University. She is also a Producer/Presenter of *The MidEaStream* political show and *Exposé* social media show at Press TV, and International Affairs Advisor to the Secretary General of the Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance.
Aseel AlBajeh (Ramallah) completed her LL.M. in International Human Rights Law at the Irish Center for Human Rights at the National University of Ireland, Galway. In addition to her academic research, which focused on transitional justice and decolonisation in Palestine, she writes opinion articles for several media outlets.
Nazia Noory (Afghanistan) Civil Society member, Gender Youth
activist (UNWomen),
Founder of Afghan Women Alliance for Peace and development (AWAPD) and member of WILPF
Moderated by Pippa Bartolotti – UNAC & Global Women United for Peace Against NATO(GWUAN)
Register in advance: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9WImtsm_SS-L-LeMM4QL5A#/registration
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