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Tag Archives: USA
2024/04/25 youtube livestream video is online
2024/07/13 – 25 Norwich, USAF Lakenheath, UK
March, Bicycle Ride and Peace camp at Lakenheath and direct action
Latin America: the implications of U.S. militarization in Ecuador

Ecuador has unfortunately signed an agreement with the US and will send its Russian-made weapons to the war in Ukraine. Latin American countries are against war and support peace negotiations to resolve international conflicts.
No more US and NATO Militarization!!!! We invite you to read this article in Spanish at: (Translated with (free version))
América Latina: las implicancias de la militarización de EEUU en Ecuador

Killing Oneself to Try to Stop a War
Aaron Bushnell and Ann Wright’s excellent piece on
by Ann Wright, 26 Februar 2024. Common Dreams
In the wake of Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation, Ann Wright recalls other suicides committed in protest against U.S. policies, including by five Americans opposed to the U.S. war in Vietnam. Continue reading →
Video: Iron Dome & US-Israel Relations Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
2022/10/08 webinar VIDEO is ONLINE
No to NATO – Keep Space for Peace
Saturday, October 8 the video is now online
2022/10/10 zoom webinar 7-8:30 p.m.(EDT)
South Korean Perspectives on Peace & Demilitarizing U.S.- Korean Tensions
2022/10/11 zoom webinar 8-9:30 P.M.(EDT)
Ukraine War – Russia, China & the United States
2022/03/14 video is online
AUKUS – nuclear submarine deal – NATO and the international peace movement
I’m sorry for the bad quality of the video. Continue reading →
2022/03/06 Global day of action
Stop the War in Ukraine
Russian Troops Out. No to NATO expansion.
An international anti-war zoom meeting on February 26 attended by thousands and organized by CODEPINK, Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the No To NATO network agreed to an international day of anti-war action on Sunday, March 6.
USA: National Call to Action: #NoWarWithRussia
Tuesday February 22, 2022 representatives of national antiwar organizations called a meeting of activists from around the U.S. and beyond: How to Respond to War Threats on Russia. What we can do.
2022/02/28 online webinar 8 p.m. EST
Webinar Announcement: Countering Anti-Asian Racism
Webinar Announcement: Countering Anti-Asian Racism
7 Unasked Questions About US Military Spending
Here is the link to the article:
2021/07/26 webinar
Download leaflet: Invitation to webinarpeace.pdf
Die Produktion von biologischen Waffen ist nur den USA erlaubt
von Dr. Wolfgang Schacht Veröffentlicht von LZ ⋅(Linke Zeitung) 27. April 2021 Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (USA), wohl wissend, dass sie in der Welt die Stärksten, die Klügsten, die Gewissenlosesten und Skrupellosesten sind, produzieren tödlich wirkende Viren, Bakterien und Toxine für biologische Waffen. Sie können das, sie dürfen das und tun das, weil derartig gefährliche Tätigkeiten auf dem Territorium der USA nicht erlaubt sind, weil sie das Genfer Protokoll vom 17. Juni 1925 („Protokoll über das Verbot der Verwendung … Continue reading →
Trotz Ausgangssperre Proteste gegen die Air Base Ramstein und Drohnenkrieg
2021/05/14 online 18-20 Uhr CEST
Treiben Biden und NATO zum großen Krieg?
Biden and Blinken Blink on Ukraine
by Ray McGovern Posted on April 15, 2021 President Joe Biden has now taken a waiver on the “unwavering”, full-throated support that he, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had been giving to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The recurring “unwavering” meme was played right up until late Tuesday after Biden’s telephone talk with Putin Tuesday.
Continue reading →Ukraine: are we facing the next (big) war?
By Reiner Braun Nothing is harder and nothing requires more character, than to be in open opposition to its time and to say to say loudly: No. I put this quote from Kurt Tucholski at the beginning of my remarks because it is also about countering the narrative of mainstream politics and media reporting with clarification and facts.
Continue reading →Kuba äußert sich zu militärischen Aktivitäten von USA und NATO nahe Russland
Colombia: An Ideal U.S. Client-State in the Western Hemisphere
By Angelo Cardona –April 16, 2021 Washington has long helped fuel the devastating conflict in Colombia that goes back to the era of La Violencia in World War II
Continue reading → 2021/04/13 virtual event
Tuesday Capitol Calling Party: Demilitarization: Closing US Bases
Tuesday, April 13, 5 pm PT/8 pm ET
Featuring Continue reading →
US is inflaming the situation in Ukraine – trigger for nuclear war
More deadly equipment may be on its way to Donbass [likely drones, communications devices, ammunition]
Another U.S. Air Force C-17A Globemaster military transport aircraft has recently arrived in Kiev from the Ramstein airbase in Germany.
The nature of the cargo on board the American transporter is unknown. But there is no need to guess since the U.S. military authorities have more than once stated and proved support of the Ukrainian [Nazi] forces.
Donetsk International (
— Bruce K. Gagnon Coordinator Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
‘A reckoning is near’:
America has a vast overseas military empire. Does it still need it?
The U.S. has enjoyed global military dominance for decades. But in the face of emerging threats, some say a new strategy is in order.
NATO, Europe, US & China
31“….the rise of China is fundamentally shifting the global balance of power;heating up the race for economic and technological supremacy; multiplying the threats to open societies and individual freedoms; and increasing the competition over our values and our way of life.” This is how NATO chief, Jens Stoltenberg,speaking in June 2020, introduced his outline for NATO 2030,
Continue reading → 2021/01/24 | 17-19 h UTC+1
For Peace, Justice & Democracy: U.S. Movement Perspectives
For Peace, Justice & Democracy: U.S. Movement Perspectives
January 24th, 2021, at 17:00 – 19:00 CET (UTC+1)
Organized by Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS)
Michael Klare on U.S. & China, A New Tonkin Gulf Incident in the Making?
recommended by Joseph Gerson Friends, It’s no surprise that Trump is working hard to distract our attention from his monumental failures by scapegoating China. He is desperate not to lose November’s election. And, Beijing’s leadership has certainly created its openings for Trump. BUT, missing from the barrage of daily news reports is what Col. Lawrence Willkerson, formerly Secretary of Defense Colin Powell’s chief of staff, has described as Trump dangerously sticking his finger in China’s eye with aircraft carrier deployments … Continue reading →
2020/07/16 zoom webinar 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific, 8pm CEST
“Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States”
The Embassy Protection Collective invites you to an important virtual meeting:
“Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States”
Thursday, July 16 at 2:00 pm Eastern/11 am Pacific
Find it on Facebook here.
Continue reading →
*Argentinien plant wieder Militärmanöver mit USA*
Buenos Aires. In einem Interview mit mehreren argentinischen Medien hat der Geschäftsbeauftragte der US-amerikanischen Botschaft, Thomas Cooney, wieder gemeinsame Militärmanöver mit Argentinien in Aussicht gestellt. Er lobte zudem das freundschaftliche Verhältnis der beiden Länder. Das derzeitige… 27.09.2017
Continue reading →Brasiliens De-facto Präsident gibt dem US-Militär freie Bahn
Gemeinsames Militärmanöver von Brasilien, Kolumbien, Peru und den USA bedeutet für Südamerika eine 180-Grad Wende in Sachen Souveränität VonJuan Manuel Karg | Übersetzung: Katharina Köck | amerika21 Die Streitkräfte der USA werden im kommenden November auf Einladung von Michel Temer erstmalig an einer Militärübung im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet teilnehmen. Das Manöver trägt den Namen América Unida und wird nach Informationen des brasilianischen Verteidigungsministeriums, das die Initiative auf südamerikanischer Seite befördert hat, darin bestehen, mindestens zehn Tage lang Militärsimulationen mit Truppen aus … Continue reading →