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Category Archives: Events / Conferences
2024/04/25 youtube livestream video is online
2024/04/25 youtube livestream 19pm Hora de Chile
Meeting: NATO in the Malvinas Islands
2024/07/13 – 25 Norwich, USAF Lakenheath, UK
March, Bicycle Ride and Peace camp at Lakenheath and direct action
European Security with EU and Nato
Seminar on 14th of May 2016 in the center of Göteborg
Final Program is online now!
Folkrörelsen Nej till EU
European Security with EU and Nato
The Maastricht treaty which was accepted by European Union 1991 included a Common Foreign and Security Policy. In the treaty Western European Union was pointed out as the military dimension of EU. It contained crisis management which some years later was included in the framework of EU. In 1998 EU agreed on a European Security and Defence Policy.
The cooperation with Nato has always had a high priority in EU. In September 2013 the European parliament accepted a resolution about EU:s military structures, where Nato plays an important role. A much closer military and political cooperation is proposed concerning risk management, administration of resources, strategic planning and implementation of military and civil missions.
Today the extent of crisis and wars are worse than ever. What are the roles of EU and Nato in this situation? Continue reading →
Die US-Militärbasen in Deutschland und ihre Funktion im strategischen Gesamtkonzept der USA
Vortrag/Diskussion am Samstag, 05.03.2016, 15.00 Uhr in 56564 Neuwied, „Bootshaus“, Rheinstraße 80 Flyer herunterladen: 2015.03.05Ramstein_Neuwied.pdf
Continue reading →On Common Security for the European Union and Russia
No to War – No to NATO Statement Helsinki – September 6th 2015: The Conference on NATO and Russia in the Baltic Sea Area. On Common Security for the European Union and Russia In Sweden before the Parliamentary elections in 2014, the Swedish Government signed the Host Nation Agreement with NATO. The implication of this signature was that NATO, in times of crisis and war, will be able to deploy military equipment and staff for training on Swedish soil. Since … Continue reading →
NATO expansion strategy and the militarization of Europe
Speech by Ingeborg Breines, Co-President International Peace Bureau, Helsinki 5.Sept.2015. How much I would have preferred to speak here in Helsinki on the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe 40 years after the signing of the forward-looking OSCE treaty in this city, instead of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which should since long have been a thing of the past! How much more would I have liked to speak about human security, so intensively important these days when … Continue reading →
Videos: 1955-2015 60 JAHRE BRD IN DER NATO (regenbogenTV)
Video von der gesamten Veranstaltung: 1955-2015 60 JAHRE BRD IN DER NATO 60 Jahre Herausforderung für Friedenspolitik und Friedensbewegung 15. und 16.5.2015, Bonn
Continue reading → Teil 1 Eröffnungsveranstaltung
1955-2015 60 JAHRE BRD IN DER NATO Freitag 15.06.2015
Vorträge und Diskussion: NATO – ein historischer Rückblick voller Aktualität Willi van Ooyen, MdL (DIE LINKE), Hessen Der NATO-Beitritt der BRD und die Warschauer Vertrags-Organisation Dr. Erhard Crome, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin NATO – Interventionsbündnis heute Reiner Braun, Geschäftsführer der IALANA und Co-Vorsitzender International Peace Bureau Moderation: Kristine Karch ———————————————————————————————————————————– NATO – ein historische Rückblick voller Aktualität Willy van Ooyen, MdL DIE LINKE, Hessen Der NATO-Beitritt der BRD und der Warschauer Vertrags-Organisation Dr. Erhard Crome, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin NATO – Interventionsbündnis heute Reiner … Continue reading →
2015/09/04-06 Helsinki Finland
Save the date: Helsinki September 4-6, 2015
Conference: NATO and Russia in the Baltic Sea The aim of the project is to gather citizens from the Baltic Sea region and experts to inform each other; analyze the tense situation in the area, and present alternatives to militarization including cooperation, a common house of Europe, OSCE, and Neutralism. Besides the analysis of the NATO strategy and their geostrategic interests the international conference discusses the negative impacts of these policies to the societies, in particularly to a social and … Continue reading →
Presentations Side Event: Nuclear Weapons in Europe
It was on Monday, April 27th 2015, 11-13 / Conference Room C, UN, New York Organized by IALANA and INES US nuclear weapons as well as British and French still remain on the European continent. How can these stockpiles be included in efforts of disarmament, how can Europe become a nuclear weapons free zone? Nuclear sharing, for example in Germany, contradicts the NPT, yet it is reality. Chair: Kristine Karch (No to War – No to NATO, Germany) Speakers: Ludo … Continue reading →
Ralley in New York City April 26th 2015
Find here some photos from the startingpoint of the ralley through New York City with 7,500 participants.
Continue reading →Livestream/Video from Peace & Planet conference
Livestream Peace & Planet 2015 New York City
Continue reading →Thousands Join Together, Looking Forward for Peace & Planet
This past weekend, activists from Japan to France, Germany to the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Guam gathered in NYC, in solidarity with people around the globe to demand a nuclear-free, peaceful, just, and sustainable world. (See photos from the weekend here!) On Sunday, we were 7,500 people strong at the Union Square Rally, encouraged and moved to strengthen our work by such leaders as Reiner Braun, Leslie Cagan, Reverend Dr. Daughtry, and Daniel Ellsberg. There was standing room … Continue reading →
Workshops at the Peace & Planet Conferenz
organized by members of the network “No to war – no to NATO”
Climate Change and Conflict
Militarization of Science – Move the Brains
NATO – threat to security and far too costly
War in Ukraine
2015/04/25-05/1 New York City
Side events NPT 2015 by IPB | IALANA | INES
Here is a flyer with side events at the NPT Review Conference 2015 organized by members of the network No to war – no to NATO. Side Events from INES, IPB & IALANA.pdf
Continue reading → 2015/05/15-16 Bonn Germany
Save the date: 60 Jahre BRD in der NATO
6. Mai 1955 bis 2015 Herausforderungen für Friedenspolitik und Friedensbewegung Wann: Freitag 15. 19:00 – 21:30 h und Samstag 16. Mai 2015 10:00 – 18:00 h Wo: Universitätsclub, Konviktstraße 9, 53113 Bonn Wer: Internationales Netzwerk „No to war – no to NATO“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Das Programm ist jetzt online! Jetzt Anmelden unter (Betreff: NATO 60)
Continue reading →Programm: 1955-2015
60 Jahre BRD in der NATO – 60 Jahre Herausforderung für Friedenspolitik und Friedensbewegung 15. und 16. Mai 2015 Universitätsclub Bonn
Continue reading →Peace and Planet New York around NPT 2015
We are fast approaching the Peace & Planet Mobilization, which will open with an International Conference April 24-25, and culminate in the streets of New York for a mass Rally, March, and Festival on April 26. While the largest numbers will be turning out in NYC, we hope your organization – large or small, near or far – will support this Mobilization, helping us to garner and demonstrate broad and deep international support as we use the 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference … Continue reading →
Das Gesicht des Krieges: Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014 | 19 – 21 Uhr Bielefeld
2014-11-12 Das Gesicht des Krieges_Plakat.pdf
Continue reading →Press Release: Int’l Network Launches Plans for 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference
International NGO Network Launches Plans for 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference Demands Fulfillment of NPT through Commencement of Negotiations for Complete Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
Continue reading →Public Event: Back to the International Court of Justice: The Marshall Islands’ Nuclear Zero Lawsuits
Save the date! Friday, 5 December 2014, 2 – 5:30 pm, Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13, Vienna
Continue reading →Einladung zur Aktionskonferenz für den Frieden
in Hannover, am Samstag, dem 11.10.2014, von 11 – 17 Uhr Liebe FreundInnen und KollegInnen, Die aktuelle politische Situation fordert dringend Aktionen für den Frieden. Viele Menschen sind bestürzt über die Konfrontations- und Kriegspolitik. Doch ohne Mobilisierung, ohne Proteste auch auf den Straßen und Plätzen wird diese Politik nicht aufzuhalten sein. Die Beschlüsse des NATO-Gipfels von Wales sind ein erneutes alarmierendes Zeichen. Dabei sehen wir vor allem die deutsche Bundesregierung als Adressatin unseres Protestes.
Continue reading →Überlegungen Aktionen Herbst 2014_140916.pdf
Überlegungen Aktionen Herbst 2014.pdf
Continue reading →Demonstration in Kalkar gegen die NATO Kommandozentrale
Schließung des Nato-Luftwaffenhauptquartiers in Kalkar Konversionsprogramm für den Standort Keine Anschaffung und keinen Einsatz von Kampfdrohnen. Um 11.30 beginnt die Aktion am 3. 10. am Markt in Kalkar, um dann vor das Nato-Luftkommando zu ziehen.
Continue reading →October 4-11, 2014 Keep Space for Peace Week
October 4-11, 2014 Keep Space for Peace Week International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space
Continue reading → Peace and Neutrality Alliance
The Irish Neutrality League and the Imperialist War 1914-18 21st of October, 7.30pm Liberty Hall, Dublin Public Meeting_LR.pdf
Continue reading →70 days before the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014…
Spirit of optimism and enthusiasm marked the international preparatory meeting of the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014, held in the City of Sarajevo on March 22/23. More than 70 people from international, regional and local organizations and initiatives participated in the last preparatory meeting prior to the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014 from June 6-9. Among them were representatives of almost all former republics of Yugoslavia.
Continue reading →A meeting between Nobel Peace Prize winners is not a common event.
Wednesday March 26, Barack Obama will visit the European institutions. Let us remind them of their responsibilities for peace and democracy that accompany their prize. The peace movement invites you for a protest action at Place de Luxembourg, Brussels, Wednesday March 26 at noon, 12.30. President Obama and The European Union received the Nobel Peace Prize but… – The United States (685 billion dollar) and Europe (407 billion dollar) sign for 62 % of the global military expenditures – Both … Continue reading →
German Foreign Policy Newsletter vom 10.01.2014 – Von der Isolation bedroht (NATO-Debatte vor der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz)
Newsletter vom 10.01.2014 – Von der Isolation bedroht MÜNCHEN (Eigener Bericht) – Die Organisatoren der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (31. Januar bis 2. Februar) stellen ein Plädoyer für stärkere deutsche Aktivitäten in der NATO zur Debatte. Wie es in dem Beitrag heißt, der im Internet veröffentlicht worden ist, nimmt insbesondere in den USA die Kritik am deutschen Auftreten auf internationaler Ebene zu. Hintergrund sind Bestrebungen Berlins, eine eigenständige Machtpolitik zu entfalten. So hat die Bundesregierung beispielsweise den NATO-Beitritt der Ukraine verhindert, was … Continue reading →
100 years World War I
International peace seminar Verdun 25.-26.01.2013 Learning from French-German history – Peace is the categorical imperative 25.-26.01.2013, Hotel Le Privilège, Carrefour de l’Europe, Haudainville 55100 Verdun More information and the program in the flyer Verdun.pdf
Continue reading →International Anti-War conference
Continue reading →International Peace Symposium (Belgium)
The Role of Science in Trauma Treatment and the Transformation of Societies Brussels, 4 November 2013 more information on the webpage: On Monday, November 4th, 2013, the Government of Flanders organizes an international peace symposium in Brussels. The symposium will bring together Nobel Peace Prize winners with decision makers, scientists and practitioners.
Continue reading →invitation working meeting on drones
Thursday, December 12, 2013, from 11:30 to 17:30 (CET) Offices of IALANA and INES Marienstr. 19/20, 10117 Berlin (near Friedrichstraße S- and U-Bahn Station) (map see below)
Continue reading →The High North and International Security
Report from the GN’s 2013 Space Conference: The High North and International Security June 27-29, 2013, Kiruna, Sweden See also the conference website: Thanks to Ursula Gelis for photographs Here are some observations taken from Bruce Gagnon’s conference notes and notes and elsewhere that are particularly interesting and important, as he said “they are not in any particular order but all equally valuable”.
Continue reading →International Afghanistan conference October, 11th – 13th, 2013 Strasbourg -POSTPONED to 2014, April 25th – 27th
German-Afghan information and action conference April, 25th in Hannover, Germany
Continue reading →High North Space Conference in Kiruna, Sweden on June 27-29, 2013
This email is to request that your organization consider sending short statements of solidarity to the High North and International Security Space Conference being held in Kiruna, Sweden on June 27-29. The three days of events are being sponsored by Women for Peace, the Folke Bernadotte Academy, and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. You can learn more about the event at Your statements will be shared with those at the event. Please send your statements not … Continue reading →
The High North and International Security Conference
This is the latest version of the programme. Greetings and welcome! Agneta
Continue reading →Séminaire sur l’OTAN et Afrique
organisé par le Réseau international Non à l’OTAN-Non à la guerre, INES et le Mouvement de la Paix. FSM Tunis – 28 mars 2013 Intervention de Claire Chastain
Continue reading →La naturaleza de la paz
the contribution by Tatiana Roa to the International Conference in Buenos Aires December 2012. Unfortunatly Tatiana was not able to attend in case of health problems. TatianaRoa_LaNaturalezaYlaPaz
Continue reading →International Peace Congress: Stop the War – Ways to Peace in Afghanistan
October, 11th – 13th, 2013 Strasbourg Statement of Intent The war in Afghanistan has taken a terrible toll on the Afghan people. Over the last 33 years, it is safe to presume that no Afghan within or outside of Afghanistan has failed to be impacted by the war.
We, the members of social organizations, movements and networks of the peoples of the Americas and Europe, gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina, host the principles of peace and self-determination, threatened by the military, political, economic and cultural intervention from the United States and the European Union, promoters of militarism.
Continue reading →Declaración Final de la Conferencia Intercontinental Paz, Desarme y Alternativas Sociales ante la OTAN Global
Nosotros, integrantes de organizaciones, movimientos y redes sociales de los pueblos de las Américas y Europa, reunidos en Buenos Aires, Argentina, enarbolamos los principios de la paz y la autodeterminación, amenazados por el intervencionismo militar, político, económico y cultural de los Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea, promotores del militarismo.
Continue reading →Video: Action by No to NATO Alliance in Montenegro
protest action against Montenegro joining NATO by the No to NATO Alliance in Montenegro in a shopping center at Podgorica. action de protestation contre le Monténégro adhésion à l’OTAN par alliance Non à l’OTAN au Montenegro dans un centre commercial à Podgorica. Protestaktion gegen NATO-Beitritt Montenegro durch das Bündnis No to NATO in Montenegro in einem Shopping Center in Podgorica. Protesta de acción contra adhesión de Montenegro a la OTAN par el Alianza No a la OTAN en Montenegro en … Continue reading →
“Quo vadis NATO? – Herausforderungen für Demokratie und Recht”
vom 26. bis 28. April 2013 wird in Bremen die Tagung “Quo vadis NATO? – Herausforderungen für Demokratie und Recht” stattfinden. Veranstaltet wird der Kongress von IALANA und dem Zentrum für Europäische Rechtspolitik der Uni Bremen (Prof. Fischer-Lescano) sowie zahlreichen Mitveranstaltern, darunter auch der Bundesfachausschuss der RichterInnen und StaatsanwältInnen in der Gewerkschaft ver.di sowie die NRV. Alle Interessenten oder Teilnehmer können sich online über unsere Website anmelden : Das Programm hier als pdf bremen programm.pdf
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