The Doomsday Clock is historically for the first time 100 seconds to midnight. The Nobel prize winners “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” justify this aggravation with the dangers of the atomic war and the consequences of the climatic changes. The dangers of a great – all-destroying – war have increased in view of the rivalries of the great powers, as have the quantity and quality of regional conflicts and wars over resources and as consequences of climate change. Wars are inseparable components of the “new normal.” Continue reading →
World Social Forum 2021
January 24th virtual sessions Peace Day of World Social Forum 2021 All times are in CET – Central European Time, which is UTC+1. The zoom links for the different sessions will provided soon here. All session will be live streamed via ipb youtube channel, recorded and published also here on World Social Forum Activities „Peace and War“ 24.01.2021 Time (CET) Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 09:00 People’s Voices for Disarmament in Asia CANCELLED Creating a Department/Ministry … Continue reading →