2020/02/15 Munich, Germany
Protests against the Munich Security Conf

Everything must change!
No to war and destruction of the environment!
¡Todo debe cambiar!
¡No a la guerra y a la destrucción del medio ambiente!
Saturday, 15 February 2020 in Munich at 1 p.m. at the Stachus / Karlsplatz
From the 14th to the 16th of February, 2020, the next Security Conference (“SiKo”) will be held in Munich. Heads of state and government will be meeting with representatives of big business and the arms industry, with the military, intelligence agencies, and politicians. When they speak about ‛security’, it is not about ‟peaceful solution to conflicts”, as the conference chairman Wolfgang Ischinger claims, not about the security of people here, and not about the security of people elsewhere in the world, but about the dominance of the West with its capitalist economic system, based on the exploitation of human beings and nature.
Read the call for actions:
Call for protests against the Munich Security Conference on 15 February 2020
www.no-to-nato.org/2019/12/call-for-protests-against-the-munich-security-conference-on-15-february-2020/ and www.sicherheitskonferenz.de/en/Call-Protests-Against-SIKO-2020
Read the call for action in spanish / Leer el llamado en español
Llamamiento a las protestas contra la “Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich” del 15 de febrero del 2020
Appell aux protestations contre la „Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz“ le 15. février 2020 :